Friday, April 3, 2009

Snowshoes and Disney on Ice!!

A couple of weeks ago, around spring break, Casey and I got the chance to go up to Bear Lake and stay in a friend's Cabin. It was so nice to go up there and be alone together. We relaxed, played games, watched movies and even when snowshoeing up above the cabin. It was alot of fun and here are a few pictures!

The very lovely Cabin we got to stay in all by our selves!

I couldn't get my dang snowshoes on.

Takin a rest!!

A lovely little family picture haha, casey made us do it.

About 2 weeks ago I got the chance to go to Disney on Ice with all the kids and aides that I work with. It was so much fun because alot of the kids had never been to anything like that, so it was alot of fun to see their faces light up to see and hear songs that they recognized off of movies. One of our peer tutor's dad donated all the tickets to us, such gerorosity! I love the kids that I get to work with, they certainly teach me patience, and joy at the little things! I know it will be a big help for when Casey and I have kids one day. Here are a few fun pictures!
At the top, that is Sydney (Student) and Beth (one of the Sped. Teachers)
and at the bottom is Cody(Peer tutor) Gaspar (Student) and Jane (Sped. Teacher and my Boss)
Lilo and Stitch!
Peter Pan Wendy and the Lost boys!
Tick Toc Tick Toc!!! Watch out hook!
All the Characters
Me and Kenzie, one of the peer tutors
Me and Gaspar after the show with his cool new flounder hat!!


Gardiner said...

OH MY GOSH!! That is so much fun! I bet they were all in heaven! Hey, nice hair with the dark in it, I took mine out, and now I miss it. I miss you and kinda miss Casey. HA HA!! Keep in touch. Loves

Daryl and Ashley said...

I bet that was a blast!

Chelsie Sanders said...

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun!!!