Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas 2010!!

This year for Christmas we got to spend so much time with both sides of the family! I love that both our parents live in Wellsville, so that we don't have to drive far to see them, and even better we can fit both into our plans! Christmas Eve we went over to Casey's parents' house to eat some way yummy Christmas Eve dinner! Sandy made a great prime rib, with baked potatos, and tons of other tasty things. After dinner we decided to let her and Brett open their present that we all got them, which was a freakin cute popcorn machine, themed for movie theater popcorn, to match her decor downstairs of their cute movie room. Although she hinted that this was what she wanted it, she loved it! Unfortunatly Casey's brother Corey had to leave early, becuase he is a new cop, and had to work Christmas Eve. But Casey and I stuck around for a while and played a fun categories game with his parents, Tenielle and Tyler. After that we headed up to my parents' house to eat more food! Every year on Christmas Eve my parents make lots of goodies, like little smokies, tons of shrimp, bean dip, cheese ball, and other yummy treats, and we just play games and hang out. This year we welcomed a new person into our traditions, Jaydale's new fiance Chantry. He hung out with us, and we introduced him to one of our favorite games UNO Attack! I love love love chirstmas so much, for the fact that we get to spend it with family, playing games, and eating great food. Although I see my family a ton, because we are so close, it's just one more reason to get together! After a while we got tired and full, and decided to head home so that santa could bring the kids their toys!
Me and Casey
Corey and Brett
Casey's cousins, Courtney, Kenzie, and Aunt Susie
Tyler and Tenielle

Casey's Grandparents, The Cokelys!
Christmas Day I slept in till about 930, when Casey couldn't wait any long to give me his surprise! We walked downstairs where I found this darling little dresser, that he had re-painted, and lined the drawers with, for all my jewelry! I'm so lucky I have him, he is so good at doing things like this and I absolutly love it!! What's even more cute is that there was a little surprise in each drawer for me! In the first drawer were 2 pairs of sunglasses, a cute pair just to wear, and another pair for when I road bike in the spring. In the second drawer I found some sweet Skull Candy pink and black headphones for my Ipod, in the 3rd I found a really nice Ipod player, since my hello kitty one got broke, he knew I needed a new one! And in the last drawer I found my coat that we had bought for "Christmas" that I have already been wearing since november, so I thought that was pretty funny!
Then he opened the presents I gave him, whice were some nice new shirts and ties for work, and lots of money, because he's super hard to shop for! After that at about 11 we got ready and headed to the Jorgensen's again for a little get together with Casey's grandparents, and Aunt Susie and her kids. We played a really fun white elaphant game where I got some lotion, and Casey recieve 5 dollors! And then exchanged gifts with each other. Casey and I got some movie passes from Kira and Corey, money from his grandparents, and a really pretty temple portrait that is now hanging in our living room! We hung out there all day and ate some brunch, and then later watched a movie, and I have course had to get the popcorn machine going, because any of you who know me know that I'm in love with popcorn! I ended up falling asleep, and don't we all have to take a nap on Christmas day? After our fun festivities there, we went up to my parents for Christmas dinner, and yet more prime rib! But that's ok becuase we like it! After another great feast we exchanged more gifts where all four kids got portable DVD players for our cars from my parents, which was pretty awesome! My mom got me a darling pea coat, and my dad got me and my sisters some bear paw boots! We got some other great gifts, and finished the night off playing a new rad game my dad got called Boppit! We had so much fun with both families, and are so blessed to have them both, and to be so close! Hope you all had a safe and happy holiday! Happy New Year!!
Casey and Chantry after a game of uno attack!
Amanda Grandma and me
Jaydale and Amanda
Jaydale's fiance Chantry, and Jaydale


Chelsie Sanders said...

I love the dresser for your jewelry!! That is adorable! I'm gonna have to make me one of those! I'm glad you guys had a good Christmas!

Gardiner said...

sounds like you guys were crazy busy but you had so much fun! tell casey i give him props on the dresser/jewelry box thing... i love it. tell him i'll be his bff and he will be in my top 5 of bff's if he'll make me one!