Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Baby Blankies!

Ok, according to Jesika, she tagged me months ago to blog about this, but it was more like 2 days ago! haha anyways here goes!

I was tagged to blog about something that is very special to me, and that I have had since I was a baby. Casey has no such objects, so I decided to use my sisters. That's right! We all have baby blankets that we all still sleep with! Jaydale will not rest if she is not buried with her blankies when she dies, and Amanda and I agree. We must have them with us, even in the afterlife!
Here are Jaydale's Blankies. I have no idea what they even looked like before they spent almost 30 years with Jaydale. But this is what they look like now!
I don't know what Amanda's blanket looked like either, but it's also in rags. My grandma Lanae apparently hated it and convinced Amanda when she was little to cover it up with a Blanket she made, and only showing a little part of her Blankie through a heart shaped hole. Manda loves it though!
And last of all, Mine! I even have no idea what mine used to look like, but I think there is a baby picture somewhere with it. If you look closly you'll see a little stringy rag piece. This peaple, used to be a quilt. Evendently I went no where without this blanket, or some terrible tradegy happened where my blankie was ruined and my family refuses to tell me about it, for it may bring up old nightmares, I don't know, but I'll lean more towards the taking it everywhere theory. My mom hated that I slept with this little rag, becuase when I would wake in the morning it would always be wrapped around my neck, so Jaydale had the solution of tying it to another blanket, because there was no way I was giving that up! So after 20 years, here are what my blankets look like! They are the things I can never sleep without, I hold them up to my chest while a sleep, just feels weird without it! And my sisters would feel the same! So there you have it Jesika! I hope you enjoy!
I tag Ashley to write about her "silky!" haha yes I still remember it!


Gardiner said...

Ba ha ha ha! You guys kill me. My blanket doesn't look near that bad! So funny! I am so glad that you finally blogged about this.... it's nice to show the world your weakness. Miss you!

Stacy and Josh Tyhurst said...

If it weren't for my dad burning Jesse's blanket in the fire.....he might not be so manly and still be attached to his as well :)

Casey and Amy said...

Ya we're all still kinda pissed about that!

Daryl and Ashley said...

Oh my hell Amy! How do you remember that? As I was reading your post I could totally relate and then you tagged me with my beloved silkies, that everyone gives me shit about! I know that at least there are three people that know my feelings! I am doing it right now and I have the perfect picture!